Are you leveraging FOREWARN, your complimentary instant identity verification and risk assessment app designed for real estate professionals? FOREWARN is a benefit provided to all OPAAR primary REALTOR® members.
FOREWARN puts the power of knowledge into a real estate professional’s hands by delivering instant identity information in an easy-to-use mobile app or desktop interface. Using as little as an incoming phone number, FOREWARN can instantly verify identity, criminal history, property and vehicle ownership, financial data, additional phone numbers and address history.
By using FOREWARN to verify prospets is critical for your personal safety and efficiency, and also benefits your homeowner clients by providing an added layer of protection for their homes and families.
Not sure where to begin? Start by watching the FOREWARN Training Video.
If you are experiencing difficulty setting up your password or logging into FOREWARN, please contact FOREWARN Customer Support at 561-757-4551 or (Monday – Friday; 9AM-5PM ET).
Note: Subscribrs are permitted to use FOREWARN for purposes of helping them assess risks, maintain their physical safety, and protect and detect fraud in the conduct of business. For more details about the permitted uses, please review the FOREWARN Subscriber Agreement executed prior to first accessing FOREWARN.
Subscribers are expected to use FOREWARN when they are contacted by an unknown real estate prospect, for help in determning whether the prospect is who they say they are, presents a possible risk to their safety, or has possible financial issues or other issues that can be proactively addressed at the onset of the relationship.
Questions? Visit the FOREWARN FAQ page.